video game stuff

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Skate 3 cheats

Hey people here are some cheats for Skate 3 press start go to where settings is and go to extras go to enter cheat code and enter these. to disable enter again
Dead space Issac Clarke: deadspacetoo
Zombie - Turn pedestrians into zombies (Also changes the color of the sky)
Mcfly - Changes your skateboard into a snazzy hover board -- Beware: They don't go on water*
Miniskaters - Smaller, stylized skater

Red Dead Redemption and Alan Wake Reiveiw

Hey i know just about every gamer knows about Red Dead Redemption. This game is one of the best games to date. It brings an entirely new meaning to free roam online and offline. The story is great fun and the characters are amazing. Rockstar really wanted you to feel you are in the wild west with all of the activities that you see in movies(poker, bounties, hunting, blackjack,ETC)
Im not going to spoil the story by talking about it :).The only complaint is some of the horse controls an herding cows and horses. The herding wasn't a something that needed to be included but it adds depth to the game.The online in this game is great with its 16 player free roam you can create a posse with your friends, clear gang hideouts, hunt, kill other players. The single player is amazing and the online is amazing. This game is a must own for many xbox 360 and PS3 owners. Its sets a standard for any developers making a free roam game i hope many other games can take this as an example to crate an amazing game.

The next game that came out on the same day was Alan Wake. This is another great game for Xbox 360 only. You are Alan Wake a writer that goes to a small town called Bright Falls with his wife Alice. Its an actual psychological thriller like they say its spread over six episodes like in a t.v show. During the game you encounter the taken residents of the town that have been taken by the darkness you have to use a light source( flashlight, flare, car headlights) to weaken them then use your gun to finidh them off. Its story is amazing with a complex story that you shouldn't miss. It may have a bit of repetitive game play but it's a small price to pay for an amazing story. There are a few problems with game play like dodging is a pain as in i press the button and it doesn't dodge. Even though this game has many things to collect that expand the story and make it very replayable. This is a good game that people who own a Xbox 360 should buy.

Thanks for Readin!


hey im new to blogs just looking to share my thoughts on video games, music, and pretty much anything so thx for reading :)